Wednesday, October 05, 2005

C'mon! Join the Club

I’m sorry, I’m sorry…
I know I promised to lighten things up around here at Dave’s Digglings, and I fully intend to do so, but an article in today’s NY Times just sent me for a loop.
The article, titled “In Midcareer, a Turn to Faith to Fill a Void”, describes how Harriet E. Miers's decision to become an evangelical Christian coincided with a move toward the Republican Party. You can read the article here:
For those of you currently living in a cave, Ms. Miers was recently appointed by “W” to the United States Supreme Court.

Now, I have nothing against a person of almost any religious background attaining such a position, as long as they are qualified. But the following excerpt from the article caught my attention:
To persuade the right to embrace Ms. Miers's selection despite her lack of a clear record on social issues, representatives of the White House put Justice Hecht (on the Texas Supreme Court, and romantically linked to Ms. Miers) on at least one conference call with influential social conservative organizers on Monday to talk about her faith and character.
(OK, I admit, I added the italics…)

Huh? That is wrong in so many ways. Ms. Miers, who began her political career as a democrat, became a republican at the same time as she was born again. Apparently, God favors those who are against abortion and gays while supporting corporate interests more than He supports those who are concerned about the poor and needy. When exactly did Christianity become synonymous with right wing?

Ms. Miers’s political career is well documented by her lack of taking a stand, and dare I say a rather Kerrryesque wishy-washiness. (Funny, I thought that was political suicide.) She has never taken a political stand for or against abortion, although her personal conviction most definitely sides with “Wade”.

Perhaps even more frightening is the following:
In an interview Tuesday on the televangelist Pat Robertson's "700 Club," Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the Christian conservative American Center for Law and Justice, said "So this is a big opportunity for those of us who have a conviction, that share an evangelical faith in Christianity, to see someone with our positions put on the court."

We’ve basically witnessed someone without the track record required for the job (she has the necessary job credentials, she just hasn’t displayed that she’s an independent decision maker on issues very key to the nation), being given the position because she belongs to “the Club”. The same “God” that told another prominent club member to invade Iraq is now going to direct the newest member of the Supreme Court! And, since she’s cleverly not divulged her political stance with respect to social issues, we can only guess that she will side with the “influential social conservative organizers” that needed “convincing” before they embraced her new appointment.

A friend of mine put it best:

There's something about this story that's quite creepy and frightening. Ha! And they talk about Tom Cruise being weird for pushing his belief in Thetans !!! Same stuff, different pile, methinks.